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【口罩防疫】見記者不戴口罩 林鄭解畫:香港人需清晰聽到特首訊息、感受我的情緒

【口罩防疫】見記者不戴口罩 林鄭解畫:香港人需清晰聽到特首訊息、感受我的情緒

健康資訊 醫療新聞 新冠肺炎 疫情消息
By Giann on 25 Jan 2022
Deputy Managing Editor


行政長官林鄭月娥近日見記者時仍除下口罩,引起社會關注。她今早(25日)親自解畫,稱這做法不是為了個人,而是為了向公眾清晰傳達情感,這是特首職責之一。Photo from RTHK News 影片截圖




This is not incidental. This is a well thought out behaviour of the Chief Executive. I stop wearing face mask on two occasions when I speak to the media and through the media to the people of Hong Kong. One is in the Legislative Council chamber when I was delivering my policy address and answering questions. And another is standing here talking to you.

The Hong Kong people have to hear very clearly from the Chief Executive. What are the messages that she is conveying to the public. The Hong Kong people may have to feel my emotions.

I am the Chief Executive of HKSAR. People need to understand, and feel my feeling. Now I'm very worried. So I am not going to smile to you in a very and relax and causal manner. This is a very solemn occasion. So I am not  doing this not because of comfort. If you see me on the street, I am wearing my mask. But now I am talking to the people of Hong Kong, I want Hong Kong people to understand exactly the situation of Hong Kong is in.

This is nothing of personal. This is really performing my duty as a Chief Executive of HKSAR.



Text : UrbanLife Health Editorial
Photos : UrbanLife Health Editorial

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